The frequency converters type CSF manufactured by INDAELTRAC S.R.L. are achieved with bipolar transistors with insulated gate (IGBT), a modern technology of high operating performances in the field of power electronic devices. These converters are designed for power ranges between 22 KW and 250 KW so that they should meet the requirements of the majority of general drivings with tri-phase nonsynchronous motors with short-circuit rotor and they should assure active couples sufficient for the whole frequency variation range.
The electric drivings with non-synchronous motors with short-circuit rotors including also the frequency converters type CSF are used in all applications that require the changing of the rotations per minute maintaining the maximum couple. Thus, the direct current motor is replaced because it is expensive and hard to be maintained.
The control for the rotations per minute setting can be done locally from the frontal panel of the frequency static converter or remotely, from a control cab.
The frequency static converters type CSF-22÷250K work inbuilt in an electric scheme adequate to their aim in the setting driving assembly where they are built.
The frequency static converters type CSF-22÷250K have implemented the algorithm for vector setting and they have a signal microprocessor with very big capacities of store and calculation speeds.
The frequency static converters type CSF-22÷250K have a hardware configuration of 16 opto-insulated numeric inputs, 12 analogical inputs, 1 optoinsulated tacho (encoder) input, 16 output signals PWM, 12 galvanic opto-insulated output signals (of which 4 outputs from the relay). The software configuration of inputs and outputs makes possible the achieving of diversified control structures, complex, destined separately to each type of application, according to the driving necessities required by the buyer.